On 11/07/2014 08:56 PM, Jauhien Piatlicki wrote:
>> I think you didn't get the idea: it doesn't make much sense to compare
>> the speed if the correctness differs.
>> Also, I don't understand these discussions. The time dependency
>> resolving takes is marginal compared to the whole update process, no
>> matter what PM you use.
> When it compiles in background after all dependencies was solved, it
> needs no user intervention. But when I need to solve some blocks or do
> some tests during maintaining work, the dependency solving time is what
> I care about, as I need to wait for it and then investigate the results.

I see, however... I prefer to have a correct answer instead of an
incorrect one, even if the correct one takes longer.

That goes _especially_ for testing and maintaining work.

Every time people compare portage to paludis I read stuff like "but
paludis is slower". That is incomplete information to put it diplomatic.

Do you really care so much about speed that you don't mind wrong results?

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