On Saturday, January 03, 2015 12:39:39 AM Mikle Kolyada wrote:
> 02.01.2015 20:25, Mike Pagano пишет:
> > This is in no way complaining about how long it takes to stabilize a
> > kernel.
> As for this fact.
> <hat type="arch teams developer">
> The main problem is that: we only can test sources on machine we can
> reboot. For example me and Agostino
> have access to the rest hardware like alpha, ia64 and so on. But we
> can't reboot it for clear reason i think.
> Another side is that: not all hardware i have around can use
> gentoo-sources, so it works with custom kernels.
> </hat>


Let me reiterate. This should be in no way interpreted as an attack on the 
arch teams.  I'm getting more and more constrained by life and slacking like 
crazy, so I would never complain about the amount of time other volunteers put 
into this distribution.

AFAIC, you definitely don't need to defend the arch teams whom I respect and 
whose efforts I greatly appreciate.


Mike Pagano
Gentoo Developer - Kernel Project
Team Lead - Gentoo Sources
E-Mail     : mpag...@gentoo.org
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