On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 11:00:21PM -0800, Zac Medico wrote:
> > -           print("Use " + colorize("GOOD", "eselect news") + " to read 
> > news items.")
> > +           print("Use " + colorize("GOOD", "eselect news read new") + " to 
> > read new items.")
> I guess that's fine, but I have to wonder how many people are really
> that lazy. To me, it actually seems like more effort to highlight the
> span of characters with the mouse than it does to type them out.

People are. I do recall some time ago someone asked me what the full
command was and why it wasnt just printed like the @preserved-rebuild
> Also, when the work "read" appears twice on a short line like that, it
> gives a wordy/redundant feeling.

Perhaps better would be "'eselect news read' to view new items"? ie.
view instead of the second read.

-- Jason

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