On Tue, Mar 03, 2015 at 10:12:07PM +0100, Ulrich Mueller wrote:
> So a few days ago I filed bug 541408 and dependent bugs, with the goal
> that ebuilds with the bindist flag in their IUSE should also add
> RESTRICT="!bindist? ( bindist )". However, it turned out that some 10
> packages are using the bindist flag only in REQUIRED_USE but nowhere
> else [2] (with foo being some feature flag):
>    IUSE="bindist foo"
>    REQUIRED_USE="bindist? ( !foo )"
> IMHO, the bindist USE flag is redundant in these cases. So we should
> get rid of the REQUIRED_USE and add a restriction instead:
>    IUSE="foo"
>    RESTRICT="foo? ( bindist )"
This covers the case where it's not used anywhere else.

1. What about the cases where it IS used somewhere else?
2. If you do USE='bindist foo', does portage still give a nice warning
   that they are mutually incompatible (I thought this is what the
   REQUIRED_USE was added for).

I'm wondering if we should just be really explicit and do:
IUSE="bindist foo"
REQUIRED_USE="^^ ( bindist foo )"
RESTRICT="foo? ( bindist )"

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux: Developer, Infrastructure Lead
E-Mail     : robb...@gentoo.org
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