On 6 April 2015 at 23:06, Paul B. Henson <hen...@acm.org> wrote:
> What are the downsides of the approach pkgsrc is tentatively taking,
where there are no modifications to libressl but the libraries are
installed in an alternative location? Packages that require libressl can
just use the appropriate linker options to find those libraries rather than
the openssl ones?


Let's say you have program foo that uses libtls and libssl functions *and*

Now you built CURL against openssl, but foo requires libtls, so you link it
against libressl. What happens when you run foo?

Symbols from openssl's libssl and libressl's libssl have the same name for
API compatibility, right? So whichever of the two is loaded first (I
*think* that's libressl but it is of course loader-dependent and in the
case of glibc it depends on the environment variables too) will provide the
symbols. But their ABIs are different so the calls coming from CURL (built
against OpenSSL) will provide different data structures and parameter size
than expected by libressl, or vice-versa.

Given these are security functions, the collisions are even riskier than
just crashing, especially as *most* of the functions will likely work
either way, as long as the same set of allocators/users/deallocators are

Diego Elio Pettenò — Flameeyes

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