On 17 April 2015 at 05:27, hasufell <hasuf...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> To reply to the topic: If the only reason you want to become a gentoo
> developer is "contributing ebuilds", then you should reconsider that,
> because there are easier ways to do that.
> But if you are interested in politics, PMS, EAPI and other
> organizational stuff on top of contributing ebuilds, it might make sense.

Contributing ebuilds via overlays is a useful way, and a good place to
start learning how to do things. But its woefully ineffective at being
useful for gentoo's main audience. Gentoo dev's can of course steal stuff
from overlays, but then your point of failure is delegated back to
"stafffing needs", which is in significant shortage.

Contributing ebuilds via bugzilla attachments is another way, both in terms
of proxy-maint and making gentoo-staffs life easier, but you're still stuck
on the staffing-needs problem of having to scehdule somebody to make the
requisite changes to the tree.

And there are quite a few people who are circling gentoo who have so far
only made it as far as those two points, and have found the leap to full
developer so far an overwhelming challenge.

Some might argue you don't want a staffer who hasn't made it past that

But I'm not entirely sure thats true.

But that contribution barrier really seems like it shares a lot in common
with a cult initiation/hazing process, and I appreciated the analogy as so
long as it was not intended to be taken seriously or literally. =)


*KENTNL* - https://metacpan.org/author/KENTNL

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