Look at the forwarding which is already happening. They are already
giving that big company the emails. That big company gets a copy of
every email which is posted publicly already.

Are you concerned about their privacy policy? Are you concerned about
them complying to a government demand or ads.. What's your exact
concern here..

Keep in mind that github has access to your data and their EULA
probably allows them to run whatever analysis they want. A that the
high level it's essentially the same thing. The difference is that
github isn't smart enough to tie revenue into this. (Such as
displaying ads to C/C++ devs)

"we" (most technically savvy people who own a smart phone) can't avoid
these big companies. It's just a fact of life. For a small
organization like gentoo - it should be respected when time saving
choices are made that allow everyone to just get things done.

I hope "social contract" doesn't mean zealot and instead means someone
who is pragmatic... What's the real concern here.. pragmatically.
(honest question)

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