On Sun, 17 May 2015 08:36:00 -0700
Jack Morgan <jmor...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> (c) java support
> The java team said they don't have cycles to support sparc. Support 
> would have to come from the sparc team or the community. Unless
> someone steps up to help out with java, I'll propose to drop support
> on sparc. Thanks to the java team for helping us know what needs to
> be done to support java or not.

Actually it wasn't really supported to begin with, at least not
recently. I just assumed it was because of the sparc keyword on
java-config and must have gotten mixed up with the sparc-solaris
keywords we have on several other packages. The sparc keyword has
already been dropped from java-config. The sparc-solaris keywords
can stay because those profiles are experimental anyway.

James Le Cuirot (chewi)
Gentoo Linux Developer

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