[Let this be the celebratory subthread, so people can post if they feel 
the need, but others can safely skip if they so desire...]

NP-Hardass posted on Thu, 02 Jul 2015 17:42:46 -0400 as excerpted:
[Reordered to quote/reply order.]

> On July 2, 2015 5:39:52 PM EDT, "Robin H. Johnson" <robb...@gentoo.org>
> wrote:
>>The Git migration is moving forward, and I'd like to announce a
>>tentative schedule for that end.
>>2015/08/08 15:00 UTC - Freeze
>>2015/08/08 19:00 UTC - Git commits open for developers
>>2015/08/09 01:00 UTC - Rsync live again (with lagged changelog)
>>2015/08/11           - History repo available to graft
>>2015/08/12           - rsync mirrors carry up-to-date changelogs again
> Three cheers!
> Glad to see it happening. Thank you to everyone who helped to make this
> happen.

I doubt I'm the only one who assigned a well under 50% chance of actually 
seeing it happen, believing gentoo was ultimately destined to become a 
Linux historical footnote due to failure to switch to git!  I've been on 
gentoo over a decade, now, and stuck on CVS, I honestly didn't know if 
it'd last another.

Obviously, I'm VERY glad to see the git switch actually scheduled! =:^)

Thanks... just isn't a sufficient word to convey my gratitude to all the 
folks that have been working on this.  Seriously.  This switch to git 
puts you up with the gentoo greats such as DRobbins, in my book.  Because 
without it, let's face it, gentoo /was/ slipping ever so slowly into 
history, and this really does, I believe, give us a chance to turn that 

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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