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On 02/09/15 12:31 PM, hasufell wrote:
>> In terms of libraries in general, although the SLOT=0 for full 
>> package version / SLOT=somethingelse for binary-only stuff is a
>> bit of a convention, you need to check what slotting actually
>> means for every dependency your package depends on because each
>> one will differ.  For instance, sci-libs/opencascade installs
>> all versions in their own specific slot, headers and all.  The
>> choice generally comes down to what the maintainer of the
>> library package decides to do .
> This is another case where I feel we need better metadata support
> (or at least some documentation policy/standard, so developers
> don't go into pitfalls). With the rise of SUBSLOTs this becomes
> even more a problem, because they also can mean a few different
> things.

Also true..  In theory, subslot changes should just mean an ABI
change that will require a rebuild, but in practice things are a lot
more complicated.  It wouldn't hurt, even in terms of maintainer(s)
keeping track within the package itself, if there was metadata about
this filed somewhere.

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