On 11/04/2015 11:34 AM, lejonet wrote:
> Hi gentoo-dev,
> I recently had a bout with sudo and sssd, and found that the problem was that
> sudo wasn't sssd aware and the reason we don't have a USE-flag for that is due
> to some lingering bugs.
> To partially solve this I propose that we mask the sssd USE-flag,
> globally and only unmask it on supported architectures that we have already
> confirmed it working on (like amd64 and x86).
> This prevents us from having to withdraw keywords on a rather important
> package on minor arches on which sssd and sudo haven't been tested yet.
> Dropping keywords on sudo seems unnecessary and very disruptive but allowing
> sssd bugs to linger isn't a great solution either[1], as in this particular
> issue, a sudo bug is depending on the lingering sssd bug.[2]
> [1] https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=540540
> [2] https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=525674

fwiw, it sounds good to me

Markos Chandras

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