>>>>> On Thu, 12 Nov 2015, Jason Zaman wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 11:46:19AM +0100, Alexis Ballier wrote:
>> How should one report bugs ? to infra or portage ?
>> From my just rsynced tree, I see changelogs in reverse order: oldest
>> come first, latest come last

> NOTABUG, it was changed because rsync can deal really well with
> appending to the end of files. rsyncing a file where things were
> things were added to the beginning of the file means rsync will copy
> the whole file from scratch which is pretty sub-optimal.

Our ChangeLogs were always in newest-first order, so why would this
suddenly be an issue?

Also readability for users should take priority over technical
matters. Newest first is the usual order (e.g. it agrees with the
default of git log), and ChangeLog having different order from
ChangeLog-20* seems rather confusing to me.


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