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On 02/01/16 10:54 AM, Gilles Dartiguelongue wrote:
> Hello all,
> while working on bug #518422, I found out that while eclass calls
> the relevant cache updates it has no idea whether or not it is
> called in a multilib context or not.
> Imho, this leads to avoidable human errors where one thinks
> eclass will take care of lib dependent caches, which it does, but
> not for all enabled ABIs which could lead to reduced
> functionality for non-native ABIs.
> While it seems reasonable to call multilib_foreach_abi 
> gnome2_pkg_postinst for multilib enabled ebuilds, it is still not
> ideal as it will call a lot of functions for no good reason. On
> the other hand, checking environment variable set by multilib
> eclasses does not seem like a robust solution.
> Is there any reasonable way to make phase functions aware of if
> they are running in a multilib enabled ebuild to adjust their
> behavior ?

By "phase functions" here, I assume that you are referring to phase
functions exported by the eclass?  In that particular case, AFAIK,
they are never called in a multilib context by default, rather they
are only called within a multilib context when explicitly called
within a multilib_foreach_abi.

Back to the issue at hand, though, likely there would be a way to
leverage 'multilib_is_native_abi' to filter out cases when you don't
want certain things to run.  To do this properly for non-multilib
ebuilds you'll need to make sure that your conditionals won't crash
out if multilib_is_native_abi is undefined, though -- could be a
messy hack...  It would probably make more sense to rearrange the
function(s) internally and perhaps provide two (one for
multilib-build, one not) if the plan is to support ebuilds that
inherit multilib-build AND ebuilds that don't, from the same eclass.

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