Members of comrel

The source of concern with possible violations of CoC source form Bug
566168, which I know has already been perused by dilfridge.  The
inflammatory tone of the content is self evident.  While my comments or
reply may return their own critique, they always observed the practice
of focussing on his comments and replies and not the person. In reply,
he does blatantly accuse the replies as being defamatory. Conclusions /
judgements of this nature are for you to ascertain.

In discussion with another developer of the list of members of the
project, we agreed that the anti-social and troll like responses  of
the user warrant bringing to the attention of comrel for overall

The main act of offence occurred in fact outside the bug itself.
The user took the id of the keen user awilfox, sourced the personal
blog, and entered comments that were in essence, bigotted and
prejudicial and in today's society frowned upon.  These comments will
have to be lodged separately as a second form of 'evidence'.

In short, the user concludes that he has been disrespected and implies
that we cannot work together as a unit, and that he has been wronged,
apparently some time in the past of which I know nothing.

Please consider this and assess as you see fit.

kind regards

Ian Delaney

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