Luis Ressel <> wrote:
> That would require a local git clone. And that's exactly what those who
> still want Changelogs are trying to avoid.

You need even a deep git clone with full history.

Already now this means that you need 2 (or already 3?) times the
disk space as for an rysnc mirror; multiply all numbers by 4
if you used squashfs to store the tree.

In the course of the years the factor will continue to increase;
I guess at least by 1 for every year (there is possibility of some
compression of history, but OTOH, many packages are added and
removed, eclasses keep changing, etc.)

So in 2-3 years, it can be for some users 20 times the disk storage
than what it needs now.

I think there must be a very good reason to require that amount of
disk space on everybody's machine. ChangeLogs IMHO isn't.

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