On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 11:46 AM, William Hubbs <willi...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> #!/bin/bash will work whether you've done a usr merge or not
>> #!/usr/bin/bash will probably only work if you've done the usr merge
>> #!/usr/bin/python will work whether you've done a usr merge or not
>> #!/bin/python will probably only work if you've done the usr merge
>  That's correct, but you shouldn't be using shebangs like the second and
>  fourth ones now either. The standard shebangs (the first and third
>  ones) are fully compatible pre and post usr merge.
>  If people decide to start using non-standard shebangs like your second
>  and fourth ones above, that is wrong and should be stopped.

Of course, but how will this be easily prevented?  If a package
(whether new or a routine update) changes a path somewhere it would
work just fine in testing, due to the compatibility symlinks.  I can't
really think of any straightforward way to detect this in an automated
fashion either, at least not 100% reliably.

Upstream could introduce these paths without a developer noticing, or
a developer might just not notice that netstat and bzip2 and more is
in /bin, but lsof and xz and less are in /usr/bin.  Since we do not
have any policy as to what has to go in either path any of these are
subject to change at any time as well.  Heck, we struggle just to get
people to stop using /etc/init.d/functions.sh.

Again, I don't see this as a reason not to make it optional, but I
suspect that we will find bugs here from time to time which users who
run with the split /usr will have to report/fix.


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