On Tue, 17 May 2016 13:07:43 +0530
Pallav Agarwal <pallavagarwa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Tests run in src_test are provided by upstream, and does not
> guarantee that a package that has been merged will actually run on
> the system. If the maintainer could add a couple small scripts to
> check basic functionality of the merged package, it would make
> testing for arch testers much easier and reliable.

Automated post-merge tests sound kinda dangerous to me. And I don't
think there's any stipulation about src_test() only running
upstream-provided test suites. IMHO, src_test() would be a good place
for most of the maintainter-provided tests you have in mind.

Of course, there are some possible tests for which the src_test()
environment isn't suitable (because they're either interactive or
really need to run post-merge), I just don't expect there'd be many of
them. Therefore, I think we'd be better off providing such tests
out-of-band (test plans in the wiki), or perhaps stuffing them into

Don't get me wrong, I'm not at all opposed to your idea of easing the
ATs' life, I'm just not convinced of the neccessity of EAPI changes. :)

Luis Ressel

Luis Ressel <ara...@aixah.de>
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