On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 4:31 PM, Andreas K. Huettel <dilfri...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Sunrise was a great way to learn packaging for Gentoo. Reviews were *very*
> strict in the past, resulting in better QA standards than the Gentoo main tree
> - - and a definite frustration threshold that one had to overcome. With a 
> couple
> of packages in Sunrise, doing the quizzes was a piece of cake though.

As someone who did some user contribution to Sunrise, I never really
liked it, and I think it was a terrible way to introduce people to the
dev side of Gentoo. That workflow just plain sucked, and the "better
QA standards" really just amounted to nitpicking trivial issues.

I am very glad we are giving people an easier way to contribute these days.

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