On 06/08/2016 02:40 AM, Michał Górny wrote:
> On Tue, 7 Jun 2016 18:50:05 -0400
> NP-Hardass <np-hard...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> From what I've seen, HACKING is a fairly common doc in FOSS projects.
>> It doesn't seem to have been included in the default DOCS for
>> einstalldocs in EAPI6.  While going through the MATE packages, I noticed
>> that we have quite a few packages that include HACKING in DOCS, so I
>> cannot delete the DOCS array and take advantage of the automagic doc
>> detection feature of einstalldocs.
>> Does anyone know why we omitted this file from the default DOCS?  A
>> quick grep of the main repo shows ~370 ebuilds with HACKING listed.   Is
>> this file no longer considered worthy of being included by default in
>> our installed docs?  If so, looking for advice on whether it is worth
>> keeping or dropping that file from my packages?
> File a Future EAPI bug asking to include it in EAPI 7. I don't see
> a reason to omit it by default.

Done. Thanks for the suggestion.

https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=585428 in case anyone is interested.

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