On Thu, Jun 09, 2016 at 08:19:43AM -0400, NP-Hardass wrote:
> # Old EAPIs are banned.
> case "${EAPI:-0}" in
>       5|6) ;;
>       *) die "EAPI=${EAPI} is not supported" ;;
> esac

How reasonable would it be to ban EAPI5 as well? This is a new eclass so
it may be better to just take the time to go to EAPI6 directly and not
have to migrate 5->6 later on.

> # @FUNCTION: python_cond_func_wrap
> # @DESCRIPTION: Wraps a function for conditional python use, to run for each
> # python implementation in the build directory.
> python_cond_func_wrap() {
>       if use python; then
>               python_foreach_impl run_in_build_dir "$@"
>       else
>               $@
>       fi
> }

I dont see where you inherited the python eclasses? You also probably
need to use use_if_iuse (from eutils.eclass) instead since it seems like
python might not be in all the ebuilds. Afaik, you're not allowed to
call use foo if foo is not in IUSE already.

Also I'm not sure if having functions start with python_ could lead to
conflicts later on with the python eclasses?

Other than these minor things, look good!
-- Jason

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