On 06/30/2016 06:02 PM, Matt Turner wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 3:47 PM, Daniel Campbell <z...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> I'm glad to see some reach-out here and taking responsibility for
>> decisions. However, what does the QA team have to say about systems that
>> want games on other media (such as an SSD or separate HDD), or wish to
>> restrict the use of games on their system to certain accounts?
> Has anyone complained about either of these features going away? If
> they're purely theoretical concerns...
> The games.eclass saga has gone on plenty long enough. I would much
> prefer that we not relitigate it. I understand that you may not have
> been around when most of it happened initially, but please understand
> that it's not feasible to reconsider every decision when new
> developers join the project.
I understand where you're coming from, but a lack of yelling or
complaining isn't logically equivalent to consensus. It's a fair point
to make, though. We don't know until we ask, so I'll post something on
gentoo-user about it.

I also understand that I'm new and we're not special. I'm not sure where
I conveyed that. It's healthy to look back and reassess or reconsider
decisions. Policies, standards, or even accurate consensus can't be
assessed unless they're checked every once in a while. If there are
other strange decisions you feel need attention, I'm all eyes. :)

Daniel Campbell - Gentoo Developer
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