On Sun, 24 Jul 2016 12:17:56 +0200
Michał Górny <mgo...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> So what's the alternative? Design another eclass where ebuilds will
> fail just the same because people will ignore the more explicit
> requirement just the same as they do ignore the API?

Sometimes you don't need a "new path", you just need to transition from
the old behaviour to the new behaviour at a slower rate with more

Option 1: Start off with them being QA Warnings instead of fatal errors
and encourage end users to report them where they see them.

Then after a cycle of warnings, you go through and fatalise them
incrementally in order of "least likely to break the build in dangerous

Option 2: Bind the behaviour to an EAPI version that is not yet in use.

Then, when that EAPI gets rolled out to the ebuilds getting upgrades,
the strictures come into effect when the EAPI changes, giving
maintainers fair opportunity to fix the problem before it rolls out to

For me neither of these options say "don't do this thing", they're just
"manage the bleeding better"

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