On Thu, Nov 3, 2016 at 9:45 AM, Ian Stakenvicius <a...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Although metadata.xml is one way to do this, since it is more of a social 
> thing than a technical one I think it might be better to wikify it instead -- 
> each dev can list their "please fix my package" preferences in a per package 
> or per anything-with-them-as-maintainer spec in one location.

I tend to think that metadata is the right place for a couple of reasons:

1.  Somebody who discovers an ebuild with an issue/etc is probably
sitting right in the directory with the metadata file, so the
information is readily at hand.
2.  If somebody was going to have to reach out to the maintainer, the
metadata file would tell them who the maintainer is (both in terms of
projects and individuals).
3.  The file could potentially contain package-specific maintenance
information.  Sure, you can stick a page on a wiki that says "for
rich0 in general feel free to touch anything, but be aware that mythtv
upstream is picky about xyz, and be aware that the android sdk has
issue xyz, ..."  For somebody with their fingers on a lot of packages
you could end up either writing a book, or just leaving it all out
which could result in people making the same mistakes over and over,
or devs might just opt out of having others touch their stuff because
it is too much of a PITA to explain it all.  With the metadata
approach you only define package-level detail.  So, if one package is
hands-off, then you simply state so or fail to give permission to
touch it.  You could provide other background that is relevant to the
specific package.

I think the main issue is where to put it in the schema.  For the
proponents I'd suggest just putting a stick in the mud and see if
anybody complains.


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