On Thu, 10 Nov 2016 23:53:40 +0100
Michał Górny <mgo...@gentoo.org> wrote:

>   dev-foo/bar[>=3][foo]        # version + USE

I kinda find this asking for problems with visual ambiguity.

Use different grouping symbols or supercede the USE syntax entirely.


Or something. I'm also suggesting here the possibility to define 2-symbol
openers instead of 1, like is common in quoting systems, eg:


That way you have more wiggle room for more punctuation abuse later.

....orrr we could do away with punctuation abuse and make "[]" be a "Parameter 


Where the general form is:



  NAME=u == "use requirement"
  NAME=v == "version requirement"

I know I'm painting a bike shed here, but I remember years ago suggesting the
last feature we added should have planned for a more future-extensible syntax,
and here we are again, bodging syntax entirely instead of simply extending the 
defined one.

Punctuation is precious and rare, and so you should exploit only as little as 
you need.

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