On Friday, November 25, 2016 11:39:15 PM EST Daniel Campbell wrote:
> I could see a use-case for someone wanting to install a given daemon or
> server with a specific user and/or group. I'm not sure this is the right
> approach (nor do I know what is), but I think we have room to think
> about a solution; ideally one that is dead-simple to implement and
> doesn't have a ton of edge-cases.
> What is QA's current policy on user/group creation, btw?

Years ago there was talk/discussion of having some list/database of UID/GID[1]
[2], so that we have consistent assignment. Arch seems to be the only distro 
thus far who has produced such a list[1], but seems to be outdated and not 
maintained. Also seems to deviate from some UID/GID numbers RedHat uses for 
example[2]. Arch 78 for KVM group, RedHat uses 36.

While there are many reasons people do not care about UID/GID, and arguments 
could be made that it might be better to have them vary on systems and be 
unique. Though some things there are already common UID/GID across distros.

I think in the long run, surely for anyone managing lots of systems. It is far 
better to have a consistent standard list of UID/GID including names. Maybe 
other distro's will adopt and become more of a standard.

1. http://marc.info/?l=gentoo-dev&w=2&r=1&s=Assigning+unique+system+uid%2Fgid
2. http://marc.info/?t=117034194400005&r=1&w=2
3. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php?title=DeveloperWiki:UID_/_GID_Database
4. https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/

William L. Thomson Jr.

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