On 12/03/2016 11:51 PM, Hans de Graaff wrote:
> Title: Ruby 2.0 removal; Ruby 2.1 default
> Author: Hans de Graaff <gra...@gentoo.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain
> Posted: 2016-12-04
> Revision: 1
> News-Item-Format: 1.0
> Display-If-Installed: <dev-lang/ruby-2.1
> Ruby MRI 2.0 has been retired by upstream in February 2016.[1]
> We remove Ruby MRI 2.0 support from the tree now. Ruby MRI 2.1 remains
> activated in base profile's RUBY_TARGETS variable by default.
> If your currently eselected Ruby interpreter is ruby20, our
> recommendation is to change it to ruby21. At the moment Ruby MRI 2.1
> delivers the best possible support of all Ruby interpreters in tree.
> Check the current setting via:
>       eselect ruby show
> Change the current setting to Ruby MRI 2.1 via:
>       eselect ruby set ruby21
> [1] https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2016/02/24/support-plan-of-ruby-2
> -0-0-and-2-1/

1. Do users need to know about MRI? I had to search the Web to figure
out that it's referring to Matz's Ruby Interpreter (or CRuby), which is
the reference implementation. This information (if important) may be
useful to include, like "Ruby MRI (Matz's Ruby Interpreter) 2.1 ...".

2. Grammar and tone seems a little off. Here's my attempt at a rewrite,
if you don't mind:


Ruby MRI (Matz's Ruby Interpreter) 2.0 was retired by upstream in
February 2016. [1] Following this, Ruby MRI 2.0 support will be removed
from Gentoo in favor of Ruby MRI 2.1. We recommend updating to the
'ruby21' target as soon as possible.

[insert eselect guide here]


I wrote my edit trying to stay close to the original writing style. I
hope it's satisfactory.

The eselect part reads well. We could remove the "MRI" part, but as a
non-Rubyist I don't feel qualified to determine whether it's important
or not.

I felt that the base profile variable mention and the bit about MRI
being the best interpreter were better left out, but it also doesn't
actively hurt it.

Someone more experienced in news-writing should clarify that. Overall I
thought it was a good initial draft.
Daniel Campbell - Gentoo Developer
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