I'm in the early design phases of my own tinderbox project, and I'd
appreciate some input on the features people would like to see.  The
basic idea is that it'll be a web interface where people can submit
their own build requests, and then a cluster of VMs will go off and
build them, all while collecting useful information for later use,
such as build logs, binpkgs of the build products, memory, disk, and
CPU usage, etc.  I've created an issue tracker to collect ideas here:


You do not need a Bitbucket account to post to the issue tracker, but
in that case you'll need to pass a recaptcha (javascript will probably
be required, you've been warned), and you won't get emails about
updates.  Please post your suggestions there and not to this list.

Please note, any comments about use of Bitbucket instead of X,
requirements for javascript, or anything else based on your own
personal beliefs will be unceremoniously deleted.  I've already
selected most of the software and libraries I'll be using to implement
this, and attempts to bikeshed those choices will likewise be deleted.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions you may have.


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