>>>>> On Tue, 21 Feb 2017, Lars Wendler wrote:

>> 1) Putting printer drivers into "net-print" is silly.
>> Something that converts format a to device-specific format b has
>> absolutely nothing to do with network.
>> So, a new category "sys-print", emphasizing that it's hardware
>> drivers, (or "cups-drv"?) (or maybe "media-print"?) might make sense.

> Like I said in IRC, I'm all in favor of this. "media-print" seems
> reasonable as I don't consider printing related packages being
> system-relevant (and thus no sys-print).


If the category is badly named, move the packages to something more
reasonable. Users don't expect printer drivers in net-*. (Also I
don't buy the argument that package moves won't be worth the effort.
Not doing the move means that any future packages will also have an
inappropriate name.)

No large preference for either media-print or sys-print here.

>> 2) After introducing that, however, "net-print" becomes nearly empty.
>> On a quick glance, the only *network*-specific packages in there are
>> cups and lprng. Maybe one or two more which I dont recognize.

Do a complete move please. Leaving a category with two packages
doesn't make any sense.


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