Rick a very good message (and well thought out).

On 3/13/17 4:33 PM, Rich Freeman wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 3:28 PM, Thomas Deutschmann <whi...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> The two areas that I see as possibly pushing security towards being a
> special project are:
> 1.  Masking or otherwise directly touching packages without waiting
> for the maintainer if the timeline passes.

Security team does not like doing this since we do not know the internal
workings of packages. But sometimes it is very much needed, remember
"heartblead?". The notification came to our points of contact (Alex
(a3li) and Tobias (keytoaster)), a private security bug was filed with
normal rating since the release was within our time-lines. Then in a few
hours the security team decided to release it. Well I remember all hell
breaking loose, and at that point direct involvement was involved.

For that reason for something like this I think we need a GLEP for. Not
to use every day, but lets call it "Emergency Power" that shall NOT be

> 2.  Being able to represent Gentoo on special security mailing lists
> that have tight distribution.  (If somebody betrays this trust Gentoo
> could find itself cut off from all such lists, so Gentoo should use
> care here.)

This is very important. Pre-Notification is on a case by case basis.
While we can define point of contacts, it is also important as a
reputation for Gentoo.

Lets say we want to become a CNA, just like  other distributions
(Debian, Red Hat, SUSE, Ubuntu) we need a person that would be
responsible for coordinating the information and the appropriate
paperwork and coordinate with Council or Foundation as needed. This can
not be a free for all.

> I'll finally note that there is also a possible compromise.  We might
> make security somewhat special, but decide that its powers aren't that
> important and so let it self-govern without forced Council
> interaction.  Even so we should probably create some avenue for appeal
> so that the next time an argument comes up over whether long-term
> masks vs overlays are the right solution people feel like they had
> input into the decision.

I think that it is not a power thing but more of a responsibility and
accountability that is being defined. There is nothing about Governance
by the council when I read the GLEP. The only thing is the confirmation
by the Council since they are Privy to a lot more information then all
the isolated Teams are, and can prevent problems ahead of time.

The GLEP is a draft also and I have already proposed some changes to
Kristian about some wording.

The idea here is that it is not someone taking away power, but just
continuing what we have been doing in Security for years and just
formulating some of the processes by the GLEP. We have always had leads
that received notifications, communicated on behalf of the team, settled
problems, etc.

We have always discussed and provided opinions on changes and no one was
dictated something before discussion (Unless Security Policy specific).

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