On Fri, 28 Apr 2017 15:37:15 +0200
Michał Górny <mgo...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> Congratulations, you've just completely discouraged me from pursuing
> this any further. I don't have the time or the resources to solve all
> the problems in the world, especially if I don't give a damn about
> them.

Its not that I don't want a solution here, but this has been something
that has long bothered me, sufficient I want to eventually see this
turn into a future-EAPI proposal.

I think if I was to say there is something we can do today for this,
I'd use a non-use variable to regulate it, expressly so it *cant* be
used in SRC_URI or DEPEND

perl-module.eclass has such a feature already, if an end user specifies
DIST_TEST_OVERRIDE="do parallel network", certain tests stop being
disabled ( though doing this globally will turn on a lot more tests
that are currently disabled for non-network related reasons, and force
parallelism where its not warranted, so said feature is still a poor
model to adopt verbatim in a global way )

But trying to decide on a shared ENV var that has default mechanics and
default implications and is enforced by portage quickly gets into
GLEP/EAPI territory anyway.

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