On 07/08/2017 02:43 AM, Michał Górny wrote:
> Hi, everyone.
> I think the affairs have settled enough and I've finished filling
> in the pre-GLEP for REQUIRED_USE auto-enforcing. It's got all
> the algorithms, rationale and separated reference implementation.
> If there are no major concerns raised, I will soon start working
> on writing an optimized implementation for pkgcore/pkgcheck
> and integrating the verification algos with the CI.
> The pre-GLEP for review is here:
> https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/User:MGorny/GLEP:ReqUse
> TIA.
This has grown quite a bit since first recommended! Great job so far.
Forgive me if I missed something, but wouldn't it be helpful to the user
to let them know when automatically choosing for them? A single line in
a logfile, einfo output, whatever, would be useful for people wondering
how certain packages got pulled in. Users will continue to get errors if
the constraints aren't met (or are wrong), but where will information go
that indicates the automatic solver's choice? You and I can read an
ebuild and guess from the dep spec, but what will a user look at?

I searched the GLEP page for "log", "einfo", and "output" with no
results. If I've missed something please let me know.

Thanks for the work that's been put into this so far.


Daniel Campbell - Gentoo Developer
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