Alexander Berntsen wrote:
> While the PMS perhaps hasn't been an unequivocal success, it's still a
> good effort with some success. I would be disappointed to see the
> proposed change, and view it as a bad sign for Gentoo.

As far as technical documentation about how ebuilds work (the core of
Gentoo, but also many other distributions; I have created several of
my own), PMS is an absolutely amazing document!

It comes down to whether Gentoo is a "meta-distribution" with
absolutely amazing generic tooling (including portage), or "simply" a
source-based distribution with an arbitrary package format.

PMS has tremendous value, and yes, EAPI is a process, and I am sure
that portage developers gnash their teeth at blockers stemming from
PMS, but I wholeheartedly believe that Gentoo, PMS and Portage are
all better off for it.

Without knowing specifics I guess I would suggest to the original
poster to create new tooling for the job that needs to be done. Maybe
even a fork of portage, at first only used in your (derivative)
Gentoo distribution? Just my idea for a possible solution.


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