Michael Orlitzky posted on Tue, 15 Aug 2017 23:22:54 -0400 as excerpted:

> On 08/14/2017 08:01 AM, Jason Zaman wrote:
>> I'll give an example where revbumps are significantly inferior to
>> --changed-use.
>> ...  With --changed-use, only the people who need it (ie selinux users)
>> will rebuild and everyone is happy (selinux users because the program
>> now works and non-selinux users because they did not rebuild for no
>> reason).
> But this benefit exists only for Portage users, and can only be obtained
> by throwing the others under the bus.

But even if that's the case (I wouldn't know), it's the case due to a 
deliberate decision of those going "under the bus", because portage is 
the default, and by choosing to use some other PM, they've deliberately 
chosen its (non-PMS) features over those of portage.

Just as I, by choosing --newuse instead, have chosen to do rebuilds in 
such cases, even with portage.

(Tho TBH I've never noticed that particular case, probably because it's 
lost in the noise compared to --changed-deps (enabled when static-deps 
were newer and I wanted to be sure, likely unneeded these days) and smart-
live-rebuild of my (live) kde packages.)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
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