Zac Medico posted on Sun, 21 Jan 2018 22:20:21 -0800 as excerpted:

> On 01/21/2018 08:57 PM, Michael Orlitzky wrote:
>> On 01/21/2018 11:24 PM, Zac Medico wrote:
>>> Some eclasses like autotools.eclass and vala.eclass generate
>>> version/slot locked dependencies that cause the dependencies of
>>> inheriting ebuilds to change when the versions in the eclasses are
>>> updated. If possible, it would be nice to avoid this version/slot
>>> locking. If not possible, then what should be do?
>> This changes the deps in stable ebuilds, and was already a no-no.
>> If the dependencies are to remain in the eclasses, then the eclasses
>> should get a new revision when those dependencies change. Afterwards,
>> the consumers can be revbumped and stabilized normally to utilize the
>> new eclass.
> Sounds good!

How does that work with live-vcs ebuilds, aka -9999 ebuilds?

To date I've seen very few if any -9999-rX ebuilds, I've assumed because 
they'll be rebuilt if the sources change anyway, and with @smart-live-
rebuild upstream changes are detected and trigger rebuilds automatically.

But now we're talking gentoo level dependency changes that either don't 
match a specific upstream change or that occur *after* the upstream 
change, so there may /be/ no timely upstream update to trigger a rebuild.

Does this then mean we should be getting -9999-rX revision bumps now, for 
gentoo level dependency changes?

If so, gentoo/kde's overlay... and I since I run live-git of nearly 
everything kde here... are in for quite some hundreds-of-packages-at-once 
fun when those eclass dep-bumps occur...

(Tho it can't be /that/ bad, since I've been running with --dynamic-deps=n 
for years now, and without --changed-deps for I'd guess a year or so 
now.  And upstream does mass version and dep bumps regularly already, 
triggering the mass rebuilds even if that's the only commit, so I suppose 
another triggered rebuild when gentoo/kde revbumps after dep-bumping to 
reflect what upstream already did, won't be /that/ much different or 
/that/ much more work.  Only now I guess I'll be seeing it in -9999-rX 
revbumps, too.)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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