On Monday, January 29, 2018, Michał Górny <mgo...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Here's an updated version. I've tried to incorporate most
> of the feedback so far.
> ---
> GLEP: 75
> Title: Split distfile mirror directory structure
> Author: Michał Górny <mgo...@gentoo.org>,
>         Robin H. Johnson <robb...@gentoo.org>
> Type: Standards Track
> Status: Draft
> Version: 1
> Created: 2018-01-26
> Last-Modified: 2018-01-27
> Post-History: 2018-01-27
> Content-Type: text/x-rst
> ---
> Abstract
> ========
> This GLEP describes the procedure for splitting the distfiles on mirrors
> into multiple directories with the goal of reducing the number of files
> in a single directory.
> Motivation
> ==========
> At the moment, both the package manager and Gentoo mirrors use flat
> directory structure to store files.  While this solution usually works,
> it does not scale well.  Directories with large number of files usually
> have significant performance penalty, unless using filesystems
> specifically designed for that purpose.
> According to the Gentoo repository state at 2018-01-26 16:23, there
> was a total of 62652 unique distfiles in the repository.  While
> the users realistically hit around 10% of that, distfile mirrors often
> hold even more files --- more so if old distfiles are not wiped
> immediately.
> While all filesystems used on Linux boxes should be able to cope with
> a number that large, they may suffer a performance penalty with even
> a few thousand files.  Additionally, if mirrors enable directory indexes
> then generating the index imposes both a significant server overhead
> and a significant data transfer.  At this moment, the index
> of distfiles.gentoo.org has around 17 MiB.
> Splitting the distfiles into multiple directories makes it possible
> to avoid those problems by reducing the number of files in a single
> directory.  For example, splitting the forementioned set of distfiles
> into 16 directories that are roughly balanced allows to reduce
> the number of files in a single directory to around 4000.  Splitting
> them further into 256 directories (16x16) results in 200-300 files
> per directory which should avoid any performance problems long-term,
> even assuming 300% growth of number of distfiles.
> Specification
> =============
> Mirror layout file
> ------------------
> A mirror adhering to this specification should include a ``layout.conf``
> file in the top distfile directory.  This file uses the format
> derived from the freedesktop Desktop Entry Specification file format
> Before using each Gentoo mirror, the package manager should attempt
> to fetch (update) its ``layout.conf`` file and process it to determine
> how to use the mirror.  If the file is not present, the package manager
> should behave as if it were empty.
> The package manager should recognize the sections and keys listed below.
> It should ignore any unrecognized sections or keys --- the format
> is intended to account for future extensions.
> This specification currently defines one section: ``[structure]``.
> This section defines one or more repository structure definitions
> using non-negative sequential integer keys.  The definition with
> the ``0`` key is the most preferred structure.  The package manager
> should ignore any formats it does not recognize.  If this section
> is not present, the package manager should behave as if only ``flat``
> structure were specified.
> The following structure definitions are supported:
> * ``flat`` to indicate the traditional flat structure where all
>   distfiles are located in the top directory,
> * ``filename-hash <algorithm> <cutoffs>`` to indicate the `filename
>   hash structure`_ explained below.
> Filename hash structure
> -----------------------
> When using the filename hash structure, the distfiles are split
> into directories whose names are derived from the hash of distfile
> filename.  This structure has two parameters: *algorithm name*
> and *cutoffs* list.
> The algorithm name must correspond to a valid Manifest hash name.
> An informational list of hashes is included in GLEP 74 [#GLEP74]_,
> and the policies for introducing new hashes are covered by GLEP 59
> [#GLEP59]_.
> The cutoffs list specifies one or more integers separated by colons
> (``:``), indicating the number of bits (starting with the most
> significant bit) of the hash used to form subsequent subdirectory names.
> For example, the list of ``2:4`` would indicate that top-level directory
> names are formed using 2 most significant bits of the hash (resulting
> in 2² = 4 directories), and each of this directories would have
> subdirectories formed using the next 4 bits of the hash (resulting
> in 2⁴ = 8 subdirectories each).
> The exact algorithm for determining the distfile location follows:
> 1. Let the distfile filename be **F**.
> 2. Compute the hash of **F** and store its binary value as **H**.
> 3. For each integer **C** in cutoff list:
>    a. Take **C** most significant bits of **H** and store them as **V**.
>    b. Convert **V** into hexadecimal integer, left padded with zeros
>       to **C/4** digits (rounded up) and append it to the path, followed
>       by the path separator.
>    c. Shift **H** left **C** bits.
> 4. Finally, append **F** to the obtained path.
> In particular, note that when using nested directories
> the subdirectories do not repeat the hash bits used in parent directory.
> Migrating mirrors to the hashed structure
> -----------------------------------------
> Since all distfile mirrors sync to the master Gentoo mirror, it should
> be enough to perform all the needed changes on the master mirror
> and wait for other mirrors to sync.  The following procedure
> is recommended:
> 1. Include the initial ``layout.conf`` listing only ``flat`` layout.
> 2. Create the new structure alongside the flat structure. Wait for
>    mirrors to sync.
> 3. Once all mirrors receive the new structure, update ``layout.conf``
>    to list the ``filename-hash`` structure.
> 4. Once a version of Portage supporting the new structure is stable long
>    enough, remove the fallback ``flat`` structure from ``layout.conf``
>    and duplicate distfiles.
> This implies that during the migration period the distfiles will
> be stored duplicated on the mirrors and therefore will occupy twice
> as much space.  Technically, this could be avoided either by using
> hard links or symbolic links.
> The hard link solution allows us to save space on the master mirror.
> Additionally, if ``-H`` option is used by the mirrors it avoids
> transferring existing files again.  However, this option is known
> to be expensive and could cause significant server load.  Without it,
> all mirrors need to transfer a second copy of all the existing files.
> The symbolic link solution could be more reliable if we could rely
> on mirrors using the ``--links`` rsync option.  Without that, symbolic
> links are not transferred at all.
> Using hashed structure for local distfiles
> ------------------------------------------
> The hashed structure defined above could also be used for local distfile
> storage as used by the package manager.  For this to work, the package
> manager authors need to ensure that:
> a. The ``${DISTDIR}`` variable in the ebuild scope points to a temporary
>    directory where distfiles specific to the package are linked
>    in a flat structure.
> b. All tools are updated to support the nested structure.
> c. The package manager provides a tool for users to easily manipulate
>    distfiles, in particular to add distfiles for fetch-restricted
>    packages into an appropriate subdirectory.
> For extended compatibility, the package manager may support finding
> distfiles in flat and nested structure simultaneously.
> Rationale
> =========
> Algorithm for splitting distfiles
> ---------------------------------
> The possible algorithms were considered with the following goals
> in mind:
> - the number of files in a single directory should not exceed 1000,
> - the total size of files in a single directory is not considered
>   relevant,
> - the solution should preferably be future-proof,
> - moving distfiles should be avoided once it is deployed.
> It should also be noted that at this moment the package having most
> distfiles in Gentoo at the time is dev-texlive/texlive-latexextra,
> with the number of 8556 distfiles.  All of them start with a common
> prefix of ``texlive-module-``.  This specific prefix is used by a total
> of 23435 distfiles.
> In the original debate that occurred in bug #534528 [#BUG534528]_
> and the mailing list review of the initial version of this GLEP [#ML1]_,
> four fundamental ideas for splitting distfiles were listed:
> a. using initial portion of filename,
> b. using initial portion of file hash,
> c. using initial portion of filename hash,
> d. using package category (and package name).
> The initial filename idea was to use the first character of filename,
> possibly followed by a longer part which was the idea historically
> used e.g. by PyPI Python package hosting.  Its main advantage is
> simplicity.  The users can easily determine the correct subdirectory
> by just looking at the distfile name.  Sadly, this solution is not only
> very uneven but does not solve the problem.  As mentioned above,
> the TeΧ Live packages share a long common prefix that make it impossible
> to split it properly with other packages on fixed-length prefixes.
> This idea has been followed by an adaptive proposal by Andrew Barchuk
> [#ADAPTIVE_FILENAME]_.  In this proposal, the filenames are not strictly
> mapped to groups by a common prefix but instead each group contains
> all files between two prefixes being used (like in a dictionary).
> However, it has been pointed out that while this option can provide
> very even results initially, it is impossible to predict how it would
> be affected by future distfile changes and there will be a risk of
> needing to change the groups in the future.  Furthermore, it is
> relatively complex and requires explicitly listing or obtaining used
> groups.
> Another option was to use an initial portion of distfile hashes.  Its
> main advantage is that cryptographic hash algorithms can provide
> a more balanced split with random data.  Furthermore, since hashes are
> stored in Manifests using them has no cost for users.  However, this
> solution has three disadvantages:
> 1. Not all files in the distfile tree are covered by package Manifests.
>    Additional files are injected into the mirrors, and those will
>    not have a clearly-defined location.
> 2. User-provided distfiles (e.g. for fetch-restricted packages) with
>    hash mismatches would be placed in the wrong subdirectory,
>    potentially causing confusing errors.
> 3. The hash values are unknown for newly-downloaded distfiles, so
>    ``repoman`` (or an equivalent tool) would have to use a temporary
>    directory before locating the file in appropriate subdirectory.
> Using filename hashes has proven to provide a similar balance to using
> file hashes.  Furthermore, since filenames are known up front this
> solution does not suffer from the listed problems.  While hashes need
> to be computed manually, hashing short string should not cause
> any performance problems.
> Jason Zaman has suggested to use package categories (and package names)
> [#PKGNAME]_.  However, this solution has multiple problems:
> a. it does not solve the problem for large packages such as TeΧ Live,
> b. it introduces many unnecessarily small directories,
> c. it requires an explicit knowledge of which package distfiles
>    belong to,
> d. it does not provide an explicit solution to the problem of distfiles
>    shared by multiple packages,
> e. it does not provide a solution to the problem of injected distfiles.
> All the options considered, the filename hash solution was selected
> as one that solves all the forementioned problems while introducing
> relatively low complexity and being reasonably future-proof.
> .. figure:: glep-0075-extras/by-filename.png
>    Distribution of distfiles by first character of filenames
>    (note: y axis is on log scale)
> .. figure:: glep-0075-extras/by-csum.png
>    Distribution of distfiles by first hex-digit of checksum
>    (x --- content checksum, + --- filename checksum)
> .. figure:: glep-0075-extras/by-csum2.png
>    Distribution of distfiles by two first hex-digits of checksum
>    (x --- content checksum, + --- filename checksum)
> Layout file
> -----------
> The presence of control file has been suggested in the original
> discussion.  Its main purpose is to let package managers cleanly handle
> the migration and detect how to correctly query the mirrors throughout
> it.  Furthermore, it makes future changes easier.
> The format lines specifically mean to hardcode as little about
> the actual algorithm as possible.  Therefore, we can easily change
> the hash used or the exact split structure without having to update
> the package managers or even provide a compatibility layout.
> The file is also open for future extensions to provide additional mirror
> metadata.  However, no clear use for that has been determined so far.
> Hash algorithm
> --------------
> The hash algorithm support is fully deferred to the existing code
> in the package managers that is required to handle Manifests.
> In particular, it is recommended to reuse one of the hashes that are
> used in Manifest entries at the time.  This avoids code duplication
> and reuses an existing mechanism to handle hash upgrades.
> During the discussion, it has been pointed that this particular use case
> does not require a cryptographically strong hash and a faster algorithm
> could be used instead.  However, given the short length of hashed
> strings performance is not a problem, and speed does not justify
> the resulting code duplication.
> It has also been pointed out that e.g. the BLAKE2 hash family provides
> the ability of creating arbitrary length hashes instead of truncating
> the standard-length hash.  However, not all implementations of BLAKE2
> support that and relying on it could reduce portability for no apparent
> gain.
> Backwards Compatibility
> =======================
> Mirror compatibility
> --------------------
> The mirrored files are propagated to other mirrors as opaque directory
> structure.  Therefore, there are no backwards compatibility concerns
> on the mirroring side.
> Backwards compatibility with existing clients is detailed
> in `migrating mirrors to the hashed structure`_ section.  Backwards
> compatibility with the old clients will be provided by preserving
> the flat structure during the transitional period.
> The new clients will fetch the ``layout.conf`` file to avoid backwards
> compatibility concerns in the future.  In case of hitting an old mirror,
> the package manager will default to the ``flat`` structure.
> Package manager storage compatibility
> -------------------------------------
> The exact means of preserving backwards compatibility in package manager
> storage are left to the package manager authors.  However, it is
> recommended that package managers continue to support the flat layout
> even if it is no longer the default.  The package manager may either
> continue to read files from this location or automatically move them
> to an appropriate subdirectory.
> Reference Implementation
> ========================
> References
> ==========
> .. [#DESKTOP_FORMAT] Desktop Entry Specification: Basic format of the file
>    (
> .. [#GLEP74] GLEP 74: Full-tree verification using Manifest files:
>    Checksum algorithms (informational)
>    (
> .. [#GLEP59] GLEP 59: Manifest2 hash policies and security implications
>    (https://www.gentoo.org/glep/glep-0059.html)
> .. [#BUG534528] Bug 534528 - distfiles should be sorted into
>    of DISTDIR
>    (https://bugs.gentoo.org/534528)
> .. [#ML1] [gentoo-dev] [pre-GLEP] Split distfile mirror directory
>    (
> .. [#ADAPTIVE_FILENAME] Andrew Barchuk's reply on 'using character ranges
>    for each directory computed in a way to have the files distributed
>    (
> .. [#PKGNAME] Jason Zamal's reply including 'using the same dir layout
>    as the packages themselves)
>    (
> Copyright
> =========
> This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
> Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit
> http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/.
> --
> Best regards,
> Michał Górny

It's going to be hash based? Why? I tried to follow the conversation but
there's now close to 5 of these posts in the mailing list with different
conversations in each.

Using filename prefixes is boring and not uniform, but I feel I should
point out that most distfile hosts are still doing fine. Microoptimizing
this seems like wasted effort.


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