On 19/03/2018 21:33, Alec Warner wrote:
> I'd avoid the REST API here. If you want this data; I'd consider filing a
> bug. Infra can do stuff like run nightly reports for this information and
> hang them off of endpoints you can access.
> This works well for public bugs; and not well for private ones.

Luckily, I'm not that concerned with private bugs.

Would it only collect data going forward, or does this method also
support historical backfill?

>> I've done something like this before with Perl bugs[1], but again, very
>> painful, slow and time consuming.

Ah, that looks like lots of stats.

I'm mostly interested in how many bugs were open for given assignee for
each point in time.

If you still have scripts that generated these reports and they could be
useful to compute the above, I could be interested.


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