Ühel kenal päeval, L, 10.03.2018 kell 13:26, kirjutas Pacho Ramos:
> From now Project:Lisp has no members... that doesn't seem an issue as
> it
> contains multiple subprojects that maintain relevant packages... but,
> for the
> case anyone wants to join the main project...
> https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Lisp

This is a valid setup of projects to my knowledge. Please correct me if
I'm wrong. Don't undertake parent projects if they have subprojects
with active members please. In other words, please don't undertake a
project if it has active subprojects, if that was your mails intention
https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Lisp even lists subprojects and
their members as part of lisp project. Though it seems to have gotten a
direct member now too to prevent the implicit undertaking intention
(which I think is unnecessary).

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