>>>>> On Wed, 18 Jul 2018, Matthew Thode wrote:

> On 18-07-18 09:16:07, Johannes Huber wrote:
>> english is not my mother language, so please clarify what bup means, just
>> seen here:
>> https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/commit/?id=ee0e0401478cf30b3ced0405f6b89391e05d2397
>> Just checked if it was a typo, but can't be:
>> git log --oneline --grep bup | count -l
>> Expected 0 lines, got 1248.

> It's similiar to a sound you make when you touch something's nose.
> *boop*

> I just prefer bup instead.  I generally only use it when doing simple
> bumps of packages (copy ebuilds with only keyword edits).

We used to have the rule that ChangeLog messages "should be well
explained and written in clean English". I think this applies to
commit messages, too.


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