On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 5:26 AM Ben Kohler <bkoh...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> 2) Patch catalyst to start setting CXXFLAGS again.  Rather than roll
> back to exactly CXXFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" again, it's been suggested that we
> start setting COMMON_FLAGS, and CFLAGS="${COMMON_FLAGS}"
> CXXFLAGS=${COMMON_FLAGS}" etc.  I prepared such a patch a while back
> [4], which seems to work but may need a bit of updating.
> [2]
> https://gitweb.gentoo.org/proj/catalyst.git/commit/?id=b409bd9bb4b50f69a555e4e148057ade86a7ed16

I don't think that was intentional, was it?

That commit looks like it's supposed to just be a plain refactor (It's
titled "stagebase.py: Refactor the *FLAGS handling code in
chroot_setup()" after all) so it shouldn't have changed behavior. I'm
guessing the commit is just broken. It doesn't even look like the
commit message was finished when it was pushed.

I think you should do whatever is required to fix catalyst brokenness.

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