>>>>> On Wed, 26 Jun 2019, Marek Szuba wrote:

> Here is the RFC for acct-* packages corresponding to users and groups
> created by packages I currently maintain. This is also a request to
> reserve the respective UIDs/GIDs, namely:

> Groups:
>  - burp - 501
>  - rtkit - 133

> Users:
>  - burp - 501
>  - rtkit - 133
>  - syncthing - 502

> rtkit user and group have got their IDs reserved in both Arch and
> Fedora, I have opted for consistency with the former.

Is there any particular reason for using 501 and 502?

I'd suggest that for the time being we should stay within the LSB range
(<= 499), in order to be compatible with distros that assign normal
users starting at 500. There's still plenty of ids available in that


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