On 9/13/19 5:19 AM, Kent Fredric wrote:
> On Thu, 12 Sep 2019 17:58:08 -0400
> Michael Orlitzky <m...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> What kind of math would convince you that an idea with all "cons" and no
>> "pros" is bad?
> Is "upstream tooling doesn't work without static compilation" or
> "built packages tend to need exact version matching at runtime to work"
> ( which necessitates massive-scale multi-slotting, where every version
> of every packaged "thing" has a co-existing slot ) a problem for you?

I see it as a problem, but not one that has to be my problem. I don't
see it as a foregone conclusion that we have to package every piece of
software -- no matter how bad -- and distribute it with the OS that I
use to do my banking.

These languages are badly implemented, and very little of value is
written in them. If their developers ever hit 2+ users, I'm sure they'll
realize that everyone else was right back in the 1970s, and fix the
design. But in the meantime, this stuff belongs in an overlay. Lowering
our standards until they match upstream's is antithetical to how a
distribution is supposed to improve my life.

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