On Wed, 2019-11-13 at 22:16 +0100, Michał Górny wrote:
> I'd like to share my frustration at the state of Python in general,
> and Python packages in Gentoo.  So I'd like to 'bootstrap' python3_8 --
> that is, add it to the most common dependency, dev-python/setuptools. 
> Simple thing, right?

Well, it turned out that things are worse than I anticipated.
I expected *some* minor test breakage.  What we have instead is packages
being so broken that they break a lot of other packages.

So I went with plan B instead: I'll do as much testing locally
as possible, and add py3.8 when I manage to get the tests on the package
in question working, independently of the testing of all deep test deps.
This will mean that some packages will have tests disabled temporarily
for end users.

This means we've got dev-python/setuptools with py3.8 now, and we can
start slowly testing everything.  As the depgraph grows, we'll be able
to reenable tests everywhere.

I will also probably start removing either complete py2 support, or some
of its features (e.g. docs) whenever it causes trouble.  Given that both
dev-python/sphinx (primary doc building tool) and dev-python/pytest (one
of the most common test runners) no longer support py2, we're in a big

Best regards,
Michał Górny

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