On 09/02/20 20:59, Michael 'veremitz' Everitt wrote:
> On 09/02/20 20:57, Michael 'veremitz' Everitt wrote:
>> On 09/02/20 20:55, Michał Górny wrote:
>>> On Sun, 2020-02-09 at 20:38 +0000, Michael 'veremitz' Everitt wrote:
>>>> Hrm, pardon my ignorance, but do 'we' really need to review 232 lines of
>>>> Manifest?!
>>> Pardon mine but do 'we' really need to read your useless comments
>>> everywhere, all the time and just get irritated for no benefit to
>>> Gentoo?
>> There's a really simple method to deal with that .. would you like me to
>> explain, or would that be 'useless' too?
> For the benefit of other readers, it's clear Michal is incapable of
> implementing the measures I am thinking of .. or simply isn't aware of what
> they might be?
> which is quite unusual for a developer of his supposed capability ...
For the avoidance of doubt, whilst my ban from this list is enacted, here
is the list of "Unacceptable behaviour" from the Gentoo Code of Conduct[1].

"Deciding to suspend or ban someone isn't a decision to be taken lightly,
but sometimes it has to happen. Below is a list of things that could result
in disciplinary action. * Flaming and trolling. What is trolling? You are
deemed to be trolling if you make comments intended to provoke an angry
response from others. What is flaming? Flaming is the act of sending or
posting messages that are deliberately hostile and insulting.
* Posting/participating only to incite drama or negativity rather than to
tactfully share information.
* Being judgmental, mean-spirited or insulting. It is possible to
respectfully challenge someone in a way that empowers without being
* Constantly purveying misinformation despite repeated warnings."

It is left as an exercise for the reader, who is transgressing here...

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