пн, 20 апр. 2020 г. в 17:38, Michael Orlitzky <m...@gentoo.org>:
> Diamond dependencies manifest mainly in delayed version
> bumps, while slyfox does all the work to make sure that the things
> already in the tree will work with the new version. This requires lots
> of careful updates to neighboring packages, and unfortunately a lot of
> cabal file hacking.

This is precisely what I meant by "doesn't scale well".

Wonder if this can be automated.

> > Dunno much about Go and I don't have a single Go package locally to
> > check. Do they do static or dynamic linking with the deps, for
> > instance? What's the language model wrt API and linking?

Lol, happy to!

> >> and C.
> >
> > More stable API (and ABI).
> >
> Definitely. The "Haskell" language changes entirely every few years.

Some say the same about C++ (and ABI does change even within a standard), so...

> I've learned the hard way that it discourages you from doing all the
> things that I just said high-quality software should do.

Again, ranging from one-off pseudo-scripts that I had to come back to
after a couple of years, to quite complicated pieces of software
running in prod and actually serving customers I had to update up to
the latest LTS after 3-4 years of inactivity, I tend to disagree. Even
the latter was a surprisingly smooth process boiling down to about an
hour or two of very effortless, mechanical and thus boring code
changes (mostly about Semigroup/Monoid hierarchy, if you wonder).

This is surely offtopic, but I just don't want to silently participate
in spreading things that aren't objectively true (even if they are
subjectively true in your/mine/etc experience).

> There's a core of mature Haskell that's pretty easy to develop against.
> (I think you just have to wait about five years with any project before
> the authors realize that changing everything every month isn't fun.) Out
> in the woods you can still get into a lot of trouble though. We now have
> the mature core stuff in ::gentoo, and the crazies out in the ::haskell
> overlay. That feels like the right mix.

I've seen transifex-client last-rited the other day and was thinking
of throwing up something in haskell (plus I have a couple of other
projects that might be useful). Let's see what it'd take to get that
into ::gentoo once I'm done.

BTW having things like servant in ::haskell as opposed to ::gentoo is
like having boost in some C++ overlay as opposed to ::gentoo.

  Georg Rudoy

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