TL;DR: if all you do is use git to commit to, you are not
affected and can stop reading; I know folks use git+ssh://
... to push commits, that will not change.

In the olden times Gentoo used cvs as its source control and people would
push their commits to the cvs server over ssh. The setup at the time was
that everyone who pushed had ssh access to

However, Gentoo doesn't use cvs (and has not for many years[1]). The git
system uses 'gitolite' and people who push do so as ''
(not as themselves.) Gitolite handles the per-user multiplexing and
everything is happy.

However, we never took the ssh access to '' away, most devs
can still ssh to "" as themselves. Now the access doesn't get
you much (ForceCommand in the authorized_keys file just runs a commit
wrapper, so you could try to commit to cvs or svn I guess ;p)

Thus I now plan to remove this access[0]. If you need access to ssh as
something not-git to, let me know in the next week.

[0] Infra users are not affected; they always had normal ssh access to this
[1] Anonymous access to source trees (e.g. via anon* services) is
unaffected by this change.

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