On 2020-09-03 15:37, Marek Szuba wrote:

For the record, some mostly-cosmetic issues that have already been
identified. Will include them in the next revision:

> +if [[ ! ${_LUA_R0} ]]; then
> +
> +inherit multibuild toolchain-funcs
> +
> +BDEPEND="virtual/pkgconfig"

There should be no BDEPEND in the eclass any more, it's a leftover from
an earlier iteration which retrieved module directories in less
conditional fashion.

> +# Please note that you can also use bash brace expansion if you like:
> +# @CODE
> +# LUA_COMPAT=( lua5_{1..3} )


> +     eerror "No Lua implementation selected for the build. Please add one"
> +     eerror "of the following values to your LUA_TARGETS (in make.conf):"

Will add "or package.use" here.

> +# @FUNCTION: _lua_wrapper_setup
> +# @USAGE: [<path> [<impl>]]
> +# Create proper 'lua' executable and pkg-config wrappers

Should be "proper Lua executables" - for dev-lang/lua we have got both
'lua' and 'luac', and for dev-lang/luajit we'll probably have 'luajit'
(have yet to see if invoking 'luajit' as 'lua' works).

> +# Check LUA_COMPAT for well-formedness and validity, then set
> +# two global variables:
> +#
> +# - _LUA_SUPPORTED_IMPLS containing valid implementations supported
> +#   by the ebuild (LUA_COMPAT - dead implementations),

Just say "minus" here, as it stands it is a bit confusing (at least to
me) because my first reaction is to read the - as a dash, not as an
arithmetic minus.


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