
I've written nascent support for eclassdoc man page generation (along
with rST and HTML docs) in pkgcore [1] accessible on the cli via `pmaint
eclass` that intends to provide an alternative to the current awk
implementation [2].

In doing so, I've noticed that the formatting of the docs feels quite
haphazard due to reinventing some of the syntax for proper markup
languages via embedded tags (e.g. @CODE for literal code blocks) while
not handling other basic cases properly (e.g. bulleted lists).

What does the community think about selecting a specific markup language
and using that for multiline text for related eclassdoc tags (e.g.
@DESCRIPTION)? That way, we can toss out the @CODE/@SUBSECTION tag
workarounds and use what the markup language natively provides directly.

In terms of choice, I'd personally choose reStructuredText since that
generally plugs into python easier via docutils/sphinx (currently used
for pkgcore's man/html conversion), but am open to discussion of
alternatives such as markdown.

The downside of moving to an actual markup language is that writing docs
for eclasses will get stricter, but conversion issues could be flagged
by pkgcheck aiding verification.


[1]: https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcore/commit/b3a6b8da

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