Hi all,

Finally responding to all the requests, I've hacked up an initial
alternative to repoman's commit functionality in the form of pkgdev [1]
that uses pkgcheck's API behind the scenes. The project is meant to grow
into a collection of tools for Gentoo development and maintenance, but
initially supports `pkgdev commit` and `pkgdev push` that should work
for a basic git workflow on ebuild repos.

In essence, `pkgdev commit` wraps `git add` and `git commit`
functionality along with supporting GLEP 66 style message prefixes for
any committed files across an ebuild repo. Package manifests are also
regenerated and added automatically for any targeted pkg commits.

QA scanning is done on `pkgdev push` (not per `pkgdev commit` call) so
knowing/learning how to interactively `git rebase` is currently
essential to the workflow. Probably the main thing lacking is good docs
for the workflow that pkgdev envisions as it differs slightly from the
one used with repoman. 

Feel free to respond with questions, ideas, or flames. If you want to
give it a shot, I believe a live ebuild for it has already been added to
the tree at dev-util/pkgdev. Also, please open issues on the upstream
project if you run into bugs or have feature requests.


[1]: https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgdev

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