Is there a tracking issue for Java 11 on Bugzilla?

Kaibo Ma

On Wed, 14 Apr 2021 at 15:45, Miroslav Šulc <> wrote:

> hi guys,
> we're still far from unmasking java 11 on gentoo, but i hope it will
> happen, one day (or another...). currently there is one issue across the
> whole gentoo tree that is a sure blocker and could and should be easily
> resolved. as java 11 does not compile bytecode older than 1.6,
> everything that specifies in deps virtual/(jdk|jre)-1.[2-5] will fail to
> compile and run. these deps should be lifted up to
> virtual/(jdk|jre)-1.8. also, packages that depend on
> virtual/(jdk|jre)-1.[67] should be lifted up to 1.8 as that is the
> lowest version that we support on gentoo and future versions of java
> might drop support for 1.6 and 1.7 as well, but it's not a blocker for now.
> just to get an idea how many ebuilds are affected, here's a short summary:
> $ git --no-pager grep -Eho "virtual/(jre|jdk)-1.[2-7]" | sort | uniq -c
>        1 virtual/jdk-1.2
>        7 virtual/jdk-1.3
>       68 virtual/jdk-1.4
>      119 virtual/jdk-1.5
>      444 virtual/jdk-1.6
>      136 virtual/jdk-1.7
>        1 virtual/jre-1.2
>        7 virtual/jre-1.3
>       68 virtual/jre-1.4
>      124 virtual/jre-1.5
>      460 virtual/jre-1.6
>      113 virtual/jre-1.7
> here's the list of all packages where java 1.5 or older is used:
> $ git --no-pager grep -Elo "virtual/(jre|jdk)-1.[2-5]" | sed -E
> "s%/[^/]+$%%g" | sort | uniq
> app-accessibility/brltty
> app-accessibility/freetts
> app-crypt/jacksum
> app-emacs/jde
> app-misc/jitac
> app-office/hourglass
> app-text/hyperestraier
> dev-db/db-je
> dev-db/hsqldb
> dev-db/qdbm
> dev-java/ant-contrib
> dev-java/ant-owanttask
> dev-java/apple-java-extensions-bin
> dev-java/apt-mirror
> dev-java/aspectj
> dev-java/avalon-framework
> dev-java/bcel
> dev-java/bnd-junit
> dev-java/bndlib
> dev-java/browserlauncher2
> dev-java/bytelist
> dev-java/cal10n
> dev-java/cdegroot-db
> dev-java/cldc-api
> dev-java/codemodel
> dev-java/commons-el
> dev-java/commons-fileupload
> dev-java/commons-lang
> dev-java/commons-math
> dev-java/commons-net
> dev-java/commons-pool
> dev-java/commons-validator
> dev-java/dtdparser
> dev-java/easymock-classextension
> dev-java/ehcache
> dev-java/ezmorph
> dev-java/fastinfoset
> dev-java/fscript
> dev-java/glassfish-persistence
> dev-java/gnu-classpath
> dev-java/gson
> dev-java/hamcrest-integration
> dev-java/hawtjni-runtime
> dev-java/helpgui
> dev-java/higlayout
> dev-java/htmlcleaner
> dev-java/ical4j
> dev-java/jansi
> dev-java/jarbundler
> dev-java/java-dep-check
> dev-java/java-getopt
> dev-java/javahelp
> dev-java/java-service-wrapper
> dev-java/javolution
> dev-java/jaxen
> dev-java/jbitcollider-core
> dev-java/jboss-logmanager
> dev-java/jcmdline
> dev-java/jcodings
> dev-java/jdbc2-stdext
> dev-java/jdbm
> dev-java/jebl
> dev-java/jgoodies-looks
> dev-java/jid3
> dev-java/jinput
> dev-java/jisp
> dev-java/jlibeps
> dev-java/jnr-ffi
> dev-java/jnr-netdb
> dev-java/joni
> dev-java/jortho
> dev-java/jreleaseinfo
> dev-java/jstun
> dev-java/jta
> dev-java/junit-addons
> dev-java/junrar
> dev-java/jvmstat
> dev-java/jvyamlb
> dev-java/jzlib
> dev-java/j2ssh
> dev-java/ldapsdk
> dev-java/libg
> dev-java/libmatthew-java
> dev-java/l2fprod-common
> dev-java/miglayout
> dev-java/minlog
> dev-java/mockito
> dev-java/msv
> dev-java/nekohtml
> dev-java/odfdom
> dev-java/osgi-compendium
> dev-java/osgi-enterprise-api
> dev-java/osgi-foundation
> dev-java/pdf-renderer
> dev-java/picocontainer
> dev-java/prefuse
> dev-java/radeox
> dev-java/resin-servlet-api
> dev-java/sblim-cim-client
> dev-java/skinlf
> dev-java/slf4j-ext
> dev-java/spymemcached
> dev-java/squareness-jlf
> dev-java/stax-ex
> dev-java/stax2-api
> dev-java/sun-httpserver-bin
> dev-java/sun-jai-bin
> dev-java/sun-jimi
> dev-java/sun-jms
> dev-java/sun-jmx
> dev-java/swingx
> dev-java/swt
> dev-java/tagsoup
> dev-java/tapestry
> dev-java/validation-api
> dev-java/werken-xpath
> dev-java/wsdl4j
> dev-java/xmlstreambuffer
> dev-java/xom
> dev-java/zeus-jscl
> dev-lang/interprolog
> dev-lang/R
> dev-lang/xsb
> dev-libs/OpenNI
> dev-libs/OpenNI2
> dev-lisp/abcl
> dev-ruby/rjb
> dev-tex/tex4ht
> dev-util/android-sdk-update-manager
> dev-util/jarwizard
> dev-util/oprofile
> games-board/domination
> games-board/megamek
> games-puzzle/pauker
> java-virtuals/jmx
> media-gfx/freewrl
> media-gfx/graphviz
> media-gfx/povtree
> media-libs/libcaca
> media-libs/libjpeg-turbo
> media-libs/libpano13
> media-libs/mlt
> media-sound/entagged-tageditor
> media-sound/protux
> media-tv/channeleditor
> media-video/projectx
> net-analyzer/munin
> net-analyzer/neti
> net-dns/libidn
> net-libs/NativeThread
> net-misc/tigervnc
> net-nds/jxplorer
> sci-biology/amap
> sci-libs/cdf
> sci-libs/libsigrok
> sci-libs/libsvm
> sci-libs/plplot
> sci-misc/netlogo-bin
> sci-physics/jaxodraw
> sci-physics/thepeg
> sys-devel/gettext
> sys-libs/db
> i would like to ask you to revisit your packages where java 1.5 or lower
> is specified and lift the restriction up to 1.8. you might want to do
> the same for 1.7 and 1.8 or just leave it for the time when bumping the
> package. you must do the update in a revbump, as it affects the format
> of java (.jar) files generated and it would not be picked up if done
> in-place and would cause an issue in the future that the existing java
> files would not be supported at the runtime (if not recompiled) due to
> an obsolete format.
> the correct ways to specify the deps are those:
> in case you want to support java 1.8 and newer
>  >=virtual/jdk-1.8:*
>  >=virtual/jre-1.8:*
> in case the package does not work with java > 1.8 (still, i suggest we
> first try to resolve the issue before we use this restriction as it
> might cause some issues in the future)
> virtual/jdk:1.8
> virtual/jre:1.8
> if, during the update to java 1.8, you come across an issue that you
> would not be able to resolve, you can create a pr at github and assign
> it to me, i will help you resolve that issue.
> still, after unmasking java 11, there might be issues with compiling
> those packages with java 11 (one of the cases might be that java 11 does
> not provide some packages that java 8 does which can be resolved by
> adding the missing deps that should be packaged separately, other might
> be related to api changes). i suppose most of you won't want to bother
> with setting up java 11 for compiling your packages and testing and
> resolving that so imo we can for now just resolve the min java version
> and once, when java 11 is unmasked, and should any issues pop up, you
> can cc java team if not sure how to fix the issue and we can help to
> resolve it.
> for those that want to try java 11, here's what you need to do to unmask
> java 11 for compilation on your systems:
> # grep -r openjdk /etc/portage/*
> /etc/portage/package.use/multi:dev-java/openjdk gentoo-vm
> jvm_variant_client source
> /etc/portage/package.use/multi:dev-java/openjdk-bin gentoo-vm source
> /etc/portage/profile/package.use.mask/multi:dev-java/openjdk:11 -gentoo-vm
> /etc/portage/profile/package.use.mask/multi:dev-java/openjdk-bin:11
> -gentoo-vm
> in fact, i have this setup for longer than i can remember (over a year
> definitely) and i'm a java dev myself so probably have more java
> packages on my systems than you do, and everything i need is working.
> guys, thank you for your attention and have a nice day. should you have
> any questions or need some clarifications, just let me know.
> fordfrog

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