Hi all, 

due to having somewhat too many Gentoo projects and not enough time at 
the moment, I'd like to ask for help with perl-cleaner here.

It is in most cases not necessary anymore, and I personally have not 
used it for ages, since the automated rebuilds via subslots make it 
obsolete. Still...

* The change in path structure with Perl 5.32 (from, e.g., /usr/lib64 
perl5/5.30.3 to /usr/lib64/perl5/5.32) broke the rebuild functionality 
* There are issues with the 17.1 profiles [2]
* There are several unrelated bugs and github issues.
* Testing is nontrivial since you basically need a snapshotted 
install, where you can roll back a Perl upgrade.
* The code is, well, horrible. [3]

In any case, please have a look and file bugs and even better patches 
and/or pull-requests...


If no help materializes, my plan is to lobotomize perl-cleaner so it 
only cleans out "known leftover files" and otherwise recommends a 
portage command to rebuild all reverse dependencies of dev-lang/perl.

Unfortunately this kind of blocks Perl 5.32 stable.


[1] https://bugs.gentoo.org/763021
[2] https://bugs.gentoo.org/589874
broken_libs="$(${scanelf} -qBn < <(awk '/^(obj|sym) [^ ]*\/(s?bin|
lib(32|64|x32)?)\// && ! /^obj [^ ]*\/usr\/lib\/debug\//{ print $2 }' 
${content} ) | grep -o 'libperl\.\(so\|dylib\)\.[0-9.]*' | sort -u )"

Andreas K. Hüttel
Gentoo Linux developer
(council, toolchain, base-system, perl, libreoffice)

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